The Third Trimester: Why Bother With Pelvic Therapy?
The nursery is ready. The virtual baby shower is scheduled. The birth plan is nearly finished. You’ve chosen your doula and a baby name...
Dear New and Beautiful Mom,
Dear New and Beautiful Mom, Today and yesterday and tomorrow you come into my clinic, barely on time. Sometimes with the baby in your...
Kegel At Your Own Risk!
It's the first thing most of my patients will say after listing off a laundry list of symptoms, "My friend says I need to be better about...
Alien Baby or Diastasis Recti?
Ladies, if your belly looks like this video when your baby is moving (see link below), look for a women's health therapist a.s.a.p. Don't...
No More "Just-In-Case" Peeing!
Believe it or not, your bladder is both a trainable and emotional being. Just like you potty trained when you were 3, your bladder can...